i am so lucky i have been sent an award from holly and now it is my turn to award some blogs so here goes
sassy crafts
creative crafter uk
crafters kitchen
bearly mine
craftlings cosy corner
linzis little craft world
here are the rules for the award
1,the winner can put the logo on her blog
2,link the person you recieved the award from
3,nominate at least 7 other blogs
4,put links of those blogs on yours
5,leave a message on the blogs of the girls you have nominated
i hope i have done this right still working out how to use my blog
Congratulations and what a lovely surprise!
Thank you so much for the nomination, you've made may day.
I look forward to hearing the results.
I am delighted to have a least one reader for my blog! Thanks Andie!
Best Wishes
Creative Crafter UK
Ooh thank you so much I have been seeing these a lot so to get one is brill thanks for nominating me and good luck with blogging look forward to seeing what you do and hope you will join in our challenges
Wendi x
Hi, Andie! :o)
Thank you for the award!! I will put it on my blog, although it is about the fifth time I've had it now! lol ;o)
Don't get me wrong.. I am not complaining! :o) It's always lovely when someone wants to recognise your blog, so thank you again, very much. I am honoured.
Heather xx
Blog's looking good, by the way!!! ;o)
H xx
Wow I loving your blog can you add me too please, hugs sue xx
by the way the pint looks very nice mmmmmmm
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